
Castles & Crusades Players Handbook #7

Created by Stephen Chenault

You’ll find with C&C that the game is easy to play, but more importantly is its versatility. You can take your house rules and drop them right on top of the C&C mechanic (the Siege Engine) and keep on playing. You are in control. Take the advantage/disadvantage system from 5E and use it with C&C. There’s nothing stopping you. What’s even better, because the whole game is driven by attribute checks that have only loose guidelines, the game master chooses what attribute check the player rolls. If they want the wizard to swim better, make the character roll an intelligence check to swim the river. It’s your game. Take it.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Reminder: Tomorrow is final day to get your survey in!
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Jun 08, 2017 at 05:39:46 PM

Greetings from the Dens!

Just to let you all know, we will begin the lockdown process on your surveys in the (Friday) morning.  If you have not filled it out yet, please do so ASAP.  This is critical in that we need to have counts to send to our publishers on the books, the alternate covers, the standard covers, the collectors cloth editions, etc.  So please follow this link and fill it out if you have not done so already:  Just enter the email you used in the Kickstarter and it will help you through the process.

Once tomorrow morning rolls around, we will lockdown and that also means we will be charging any outstanding charges you may have for extra add ons, shipping, etc.  Just an FYI.  You can check your surveys on backer kit if you have any questions about what that price will be.

Finally, it would mean a lot to us if you would check out what we are doing now on Kickstarter.  This is actually from our parent company, Chenault and Gray Publishing.  Are you a Tarzan fan?  A John Carter fan?  Pulp fan?  We've got it all covered for you in this 4 volume set.  Take a look see and if you like it, consider pledging.  Thanks!  You can see it here:

Thanks!  And if you have any questions or concerns about this project or anything else, please email us direct at [email protected].  That comes to me (Tim) personally and I rarely sleep so I promise to get to your answer quickly.  :-)

The Trolls

C&C Players Handbook 7 Update
almost 7 years ago – Tue, May 23, 2017 at 07:34:02 PM

Greetings from the Dens!

The only part of the immediate puzzle for the PH 7th printing is the Alternate cover. It should be here later this week. I'll post it here first! But all forward!

In the meantime, be sure to check out the Edgar Rice Burroughs 100 Year Art Chronology that just went live on Kickstarter. IF you pledge today, you can receive an officially sanctioned hardcover copy of Tarzan of the Apes!

Check it out!


C&C Players Handbook 7 Update
about 7 years ago – Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 12:58:25 PM

Greetings from the Dens,

We've wrapped up our edits on the 7th Printing C&C PH. We are going to do a final roll through today and tomorrow and send this son of a gun off to the printers.  Also, in about two weeks you will be receiving a survey from backerkit for this kickstarter so look to your emails.  We will also let you know here when they are coming out.

Interested in Tarzan? John Carter? Carson of Venus? Pullicidar? You don't want to miss out on our exciting new project with Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.!


Final Day!
about 7 years ago – Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 07:59:43 AM

Greetings all! 

We have entered our final day of this Kickstarter, only about 12 or so hours left!  There are THREE  things to note,

  • Gods and Monsters stretch goal is achieved. If you want the LEATHER version. Add 50.00 to your pledge NOW. This is exclusive to the Kickstarter.
  • IF you want the perfect bound Tome of the Unclean, also exclusive, make sure you pledge at least at a $60 pledge level.
  • If we hit 20K, Stephen Chenault will pen the Demon's Tale, a new adventure set in the bowels of Hell where a Demon has called for your aid...but the price is a hard one.

 Post Script: So now is the time to double check your pledge, make sure you are getting in on all the goodies offered, including the add ons.  To that end, I also had a question, and you can reply directly to [email protected] or just comment on this update - how many of you have put the Logo Mug in your add on list?  It's the exclusive that we have only 125 with the caricature of Davis (co founder of Troll Lord Games) on it, with his signature and our logo on it.  Just wanted to get a rough count, as I know we have enough, but want to adjust the amount we have in the store to reflect it.  If you haven't seen the mug yet, you can view it here:!/Castles-&-Crusades-Coffee-Mug-The-LOGO/p/80716116/category=11639170

Be sure to check the detailed images to see both sides!  Also, if he gets a wild hair, Tim is going to do a Facebook Live video this morning of it, so check out our facebook page and see if he gets the gumption (love that word).

So make sure to check your pledge and continue to share this thing up to the end! 


The Trolls

Funded! But wait...
about 7 years ago – Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 09:34:11 PM

Greetings from the Dens!

We are happy to announce that because of all of you, we have funded this project and it will be happening.  Trollzah! 

Now that everyone knows this is going to happen, it's time to bust open some doors on those stretch rewards.  We are only about $350 from the 16K reward and a hop, skip, and a jump from the brand new adventure from creator Stephen Chenault at 20K.  Take a look at the stretch rewards today and see if there's anything you would like to up your pledge for. 

Thank you all for supporting this project.  Be sure to come over to the comment section of the KS and join us in the conversation; we love to hear your thoughts, ideas about C&C -- anything really -- we will be hanging out as much as possible over the next few days so come join in!

~ The Trolls

Stretch Rewards!
Stretch Rewards!